Project: Guest houses 3.0 in Verholy Relax Park
Design by: YOD Design Lab
Location: 1 Sosnova St., Sosnivka village, Poltava region, Ukraine
Area: 80m2
Completed in 2019
Guest houses 3.0 are the new type of hotel rooms in the hotel and recreational complex Verholy Relax Park. Having a cozy patio allows its guests even more privacy alone with nature. Only the forest, the noise of trees, the singing of birds and nobody else on the horizon..
New type of guest houses is fully, yet naturally integrated into the surrounding pine forest thanks to the patio and the increased area of fully panoramic glazing. Houses are built from lightweight metal frame structures, made in accordance with the designers’ drafts. Instead of the usual solid base these house stand on the so-called screw base. This technology allows to set quickly the structure in any landscape among the pines without damaging any trees or their root system. Houses are standing above the ground (at least a meter), so designers succeeded to manage without the base structure and the waterproofing.
From outside buildings are covered with heat-treated plates made of solid alder. The interior floors are tiled and equipped with water heating; the walls are covered with plywood from veneered oak, and ceilings and terrace – with larch plates. One of the walls in the house is fully glazed. For finishing we used natural materials and natural color gamma.